Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving process of repentance,
forgiveness, and transmutation to release memories that show up as problems in our everyday lives and affect
our business(es).
During a two-day class you will learn how to apply the Self I-Dentity though Ho’oponopono® process which we
often refer to as “cleaning" to learn a new meaning of life through an understanding of one’s Self I-Dentity.
Each of the SITH® sponsored classes is described below.


By the end of the training, students will learn how to:
Begin to know and appreciate who they are.
Learn how to care for and protect Self.
Learn what a problem is and how to solve it.
Learn to look only to Self and the Divine Creator.
Begin to know and appreciate the Divine Creator and,
Begin to experience LOVE beyond all understanding.
Some of the problem areas covered in the training include:
Self – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical
Family, relatives and ancestors
Conception, abortions, miscarriages and suicides
Death and dying
Finances, work and school
Earthbound spirits and Space entities
Land and buildings


By the end of the training, students will learn how to:
Begin to know who they are and their purpose for existence.
Learn how to care for and protect Self.
Learn what a problem is and how to solve problems.
Learn to look only to Self and the Divine Creator for problem solving.
Begin to know and appreciate the Divine Creator.
Learn how to apply SITH ® process to experiences of illness and health.
Begin immediate application of problem solving tools for health concerns
for Self and as health providers.
Some of the problem areas covered in the training include:
Self – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical conditions
Family, relatives and ancestors
High blood pressure, pain, anxiety, depression, and more Death and dying
Land, buildings, health facilities Objects


By the end of the training, students will learn how to:
Clean with being more effective and productive.
Clean with resolving business problems in an easy way.
Take a 100% responsibility for solving business problems.
Clean with creating perfect and right business relationships.
Apply the SITH® process in letting go of expectations.
Clean with who you really are, your inherent talents and your purpose in work.
Delete memories that impact on your plans, goals, decisions and results.
Clean with letting go of thinking “I know,” and let intuition and inspiration move you.
Clean with being open and flexible to receive ideal business solutions through inspiration.
The training for individuals consists of a 2-day class in which participants are taught who they are,
what problems are, and how problems can be solved by deleting toxic, unwanted memories without going one inch outside of themselves.


By the end of the training, students will learn how to:
1. Combined Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process
2. Soul Restoration
3. Advanced quick ways to apply the Ho’oponopono process
4. Mahiki-Cleansing
5. New meditation technique
6. Demands the full acceptance of the triune self
7. Demands the full acceptance of the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process

Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic II Requirements:
(Students must meet all 7 requirements and age requirement of 14 years or older.)
1. This class is for those students who have practiced the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class
for 2 years.
(Student to include date of first SITH® class attended to be 2 years from date of Basic II, no exceptions.)
2. Students have accepted the system as the way to problem solve.
3. Students must have developed a good working relationship with their triune self, especially with their unihipili.
4. Students must have taken a Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class between 2011 and present. Basic I class includes Basic I, Business Ho’oponopono or Health Ho’oponopono 2 day classes.
5. The emphasis of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® is on the care of the Triune Self.

Registration For Basic II Classes
1. Details, location and registration information for each SITH® Basic II training will be posted on the website
as the information becomes available.
2. Each SITH® II class registration is handled by the Coordinator for that area.
3. No one will be admitted to a class unless they have paid the fees for the class in full.
4. By registering for the class, students agree to the Disclaimer and Registration Agreement
5. A Review Student for Basic II must have taken a Basic II from 2011 to the present.
6. Children birth through 13 years may not attend the Basic II. Children birth through 13 years may be registered
and attend only as WWA participants.
They must be registered by a student that meets the Basic II Requirements.
7. For Basic II classes, WWA registrant must meet the Basic II requirements to register themselves or
another participant for WWA which includes all 7 requirements for Basic II including:
This class is for those students who have practiced the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class for 2 years.
(Student to include date of first SITH® class attended to be 2 years from date of Basic II, no exceptions.)

All Asian Registrants with Asian addresses must sign up for World Wide Absentee through Asian office.
Except for Asia, where the registrant must be a Review Student.

SITH® Lecture

The SITH® Lecture introduces Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® and how to apply SITH® regarding our experiences
that show up as problems in our everyday lives and affect our business(es), Families, Health and the opportunity
to focus on the problems, decisions and opportunities of Business.


Pre-registration Fee will be accepted in full up to Saturday at midnight 1 week before the class. Anyone making payment after Saturday at midnight must pay the Registration Week of Class fee. It is the student's responsibility to make sure the payment has been received in full.

Registration for SITH® Ho’oponopono Class

1. Details, location and registration information for each SITH® training will be posted on the website as
the information becomes available.
2. Each SITH® Ho’oponopono class registration is handled by the Coordinator for that area.
3. All New Students are required to read the online article, "Who's in Charge?" click to access "Who's in charge", prior to enrolling in the SITH® Ho’oponopono Class.
4. No one will be admitted to a class unless the full class fee has been paid.
5. By registering for the class, students agree to the Disclaimer and Registration Agreement.
6. Any I-Dentity may be registered for any of the IZI LLC sponsored SITH® class as a World Wide Absentee participant.
For Asia: Any I-Dentity can sign up for Absentee Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono® class.
All Asian Registrants must be Review Students and must sign up through the Asian office.
All Former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Israel Registrants with addresses in these countries must sign up
through the Former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Israel website.

7. Refunds: There will be no refund if no refund is requested and the student does not attend the first day of the ONLINE class:
If no refund has been requested by midnight before the first day of class, a New Student will be considered a New Student in Absentee.
If no refund has been requested by midnight Friday before the first day of class, a Review Student will be considered a World Wide Absentee Student. Once you register for world wide absntee, there is no refund.

New Students

1. This is a new class for anyone who has not attended this class in person previously.
2. All New Students are required to read the online article, "Who's in Charge?" click to access "Who's in charge", prior to enrolling in the SITH® Ho’oponopono Class.
3. PLEASE NOTE: The class fees for new students includes free IZI LLC class materials, whether digital or printed. You agree to receive your free IZI LLC class materials, in either digital or printed.
4. Class materials for students attending the class in-person are available on the first day of class during Registration.
5. Class materials for LIVE online students will be made available one week prior to class with 1 copy of downloadable materials for your digital device.
6. Once the materials are downloaded for the LIVE online class there will be no refund for the class.
Basic I Manuals and Tool Menus in printed book form may be ordered after the LIVE online class is completed allowing at least 3-6 weeks for delivery from:

Review Students

1. A Review Student for the Basic I, Health Ho`oponopono or Business Ho`oponopono is anyone who completed that particular class between 1992 and the present with attendance in-person or LIVE online.
2. Once you have attended a Basic I, Health Ho`oponopono or Business Ho`oponopono in-person or
LIVE online class respectively as a New Student then you may attend another Basic I, Health Ho`oponopono or
Business Ho`oponopono class respectively as a Review Student.
3. Anyone who took a class prior to 1992 for Basic I, Health Ho`oponopono or Business Ho`oponopono is considered a New Student.
4. A Review Student for Basic II must have taken a SITH® Basic II class from 2011 to the present.
5. Review Students for all SITH® classes kindly bring your class materials, i.e.,Manual, Tool Menu and Pendulum to class. No loaner materials will be provided.
Upon completion of the class, if you would like to purchase the printed Manual and/or Tool Menu, please go to the following website to place your order:
Hawaii and New Mexico prices include sales tax.Thank you.


All participating IZI LLC Coordinators may begin to accept World Wide Absentee Registrations for any class listed on the World Wide Absentee page of the IZI LLC website, except for Asia, Former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Israel Registrations. See list of participating Coordinators below. 1. All Asian Registrants with Asian addresses must sign up for World Wide Absentee through Asian office. The registrant must be a review student. 2. All Former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Israel Registrants with addresses in these countries must sign up for the World Wide Absentee through the Former Soviet Union, Bulgarian and Israel website. 3. Any I-Dentity may be registered for any of IZI LLC sponsors SITH® classes as a World Wide Absentee participant. Family members, children, spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, significant others, friends, businesses, cars, houses, pets, oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains, and all I-Dentities may take the class in absentee. The Registrant (the person who registers and pays for the class) may register any Participant (the I-Dentity). The World Wide Absentee Participant does not have to have taken the class before, to take it in absentee, except for Asia. All Asian Registrants with Asian addresses must sign up for World Wide Absentee through Asian office. Except for Asia, where the registrant must be a review student. All Former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Israel Registrants with addresses in these countries must sign up for the World Wide Absentee through the Former Soviet Union, Bulgarian and Israel website. 4. Once the payment and registration is complete, the participant will be entered into the World Wide Absentee lists of students for the class. The cleaning begins with registration and earlier registration allows for more cleaning. The World Wide Absentee cleaning list will be posted every business day to these 3 Affiliates (Kamailelauli’I Rafaelovich, Constance ZHoku=Pana Webber and Mary Koehler-My Wild Irish Rose) and all IZI LLC Coordinators and Instructors. 5. At the class event, the participants name will be on the World Wide Absentee List on the Absentee Table. 6. If you are interested in attending an ONLINE class, please see the ONLINE schedule page: When registering as a WWA student, you do not attend the class or receive the class materials, you do receive all the benefits of the cleaning before and during the class. Thank you. ALL FEES for Mexico class are Mexican Pesos. Thank you.

November 21, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, USA, SITH® Basic I Ho’oponopono ONLINE lecture

Registration type Price
Online Lecture Registration $35.00